I'm in a mood to rant today so bear with me...
Where to start. I work with a group of mostly women, myself included, and ONE man (he's our General Manager, BOSS). I'm the Production Manager and have been for the past 2 years. Well some of the other girls decided that they didn't like the way the boss was handling things so they decided to have a meeting with his boss (without telling him) to discuss things and try to get him fired. Read this if he goes, I go!!! I will NOT work with the moron squad that will be left.
The Advertising manager headed up the troops and made the fatal mistake of putting my name and another co-worker's name who didn't agree with them into the mix. Well they had their meeting 4 of them (out of 9 employees, 2 of which I know didn't agree and another 2 that poss. didn't even know what was going on) with our Regional Manager. They told her that WE were a united front (duh I remember 2 of us at my desk telling her we didn't agree with her). Needless to say they didn't tell me when or where the meeting was, cause they know I would have crashed it and told them off. Anyways, they told the other person about the meeting and how happy they were cause the boss told them that our boss would be fired today (well its 4:21 pm and he's still here ;)). Well she called me and told me she was pissed off cause they used our names in spite of being told not to. I got a little "loud" on the phone with her and another co-worked, who decided to listen to my conversation instead of working, called the ad manager and told her that I knew something was up. So she called the other poor co-worker and yelled at her and told her not to talk to me anymore. I'm tired of playing the stupid games by now (BTW this all happened Friday, and I left at 11 am) so after I left, I convinced myself that I would take a job offer at another paper (still waiting to here back from them though). My friend calls me at 3 pm upset because all the other little girls jumped her and told her under no circumstance was I to be spoken to. Great please don't talk to me, my life will be much better off :P.
I spent the weekend upset and then my Tigers lost (didn't help the mood). Got to Monday and one of the 4 tried to have a conversation with me (not work related) so I told her that I was too busy (I'm never to busy to talk LOL). Then 2 of the others started passing notes to each other about me (what are we back in middle school). And one of them was dumb enough to write the note on a fax for someone else and the boss read it and was like what is this, the girl tried to make light of it by saying she didn't remember who she wrote the note about. (the note said she's in a foul little mood today and had an arrow pointing toward my desk, duh george).
Well today with no one but me and the boss in the office, I told him what had been going on. And he called the Regional manager and asked about my concerns (not mentioning my name or the other co-worker). She assured him that all was well. We both felt much better about the situation. Then after lunch I get a frantic email from the other co-worked that she just got a call from one the the 4 morons that I had ratted them out to the boss. Well the only 3 people that knew that were me (I didn't tell), my boss (I know he didn't say anything) and the big boss. Come to find out she called the ad manager and told her what was going on. Now I knew the girls in my office were two-faced, but I figured the boss would be a little more mature.
Now my boss is playing with the idea of going over her head to her boss and telling him what's going on. I'm all for it. This type of situation should not happen in an office of adults. Now I'm dreading coming back to work. The other co-worker is refusing to step foot in the building, instead doing her work from home and faxing/emailing it to me.
I will NOT let this get me down. I've got a concert/girls weekend with my SIL and a friend this weekend and I'll be damned if there going to get to me. BTW the concert is my all time favorite band New Kids On The Block in New Orleans on Saturday :-)
Well if you made it this far... Thanks for reading.
Bri ;)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Lord help me...
Been gone for a while... to much work, not enough away time... I'm sitting at work on Monday night praying someone will shoot me and put me out of my misery (Just Kidding of course). The only reason I say this is I've got two employees that can not get their work done by a deadline... So I'm stuck babysitting them. I'm sorry they can not operate their computers (or in one case they've broken one laptop and are now working on a second computer and doing a good job of breaking it as well.). The other has spent more time talking to the computer, I guess trying to find her files on the desktop that has about 200 icons on it, than she has doing the work. I of course have to wait for them because I'm the manager and must print the pages out and then proof them (I HATE doing this, I'm a graphics person, NOT a proofer). It doesn't help that I've been battling a cold for the past 5 days and can not breathe out of my nose and I'm now really crabby LOL. I've spent the last 3 hours looking at different websites, trying to act like I'm busy. Only having to check on the two slowpokes every once in a while. God, I love my job!!!
At least life away from here is good. My DBF is hopefully alright, haven't gotten to talk to him for a few days. My boys (nephews) are doing great in school. The oldest is now a sophomore in high school and is looking forward to his future. He wants to be a video game designer and is well on his way to achieving that goal. He takes a class in school that in his senior year will allow him to do an internship that, after graduating college, will mean that he can go strait to work :). The other two are doing great also all A's and having a great year.
But the best thing in the world, for now, will happen on Oct. 18. Me and my SIL will be attending the New Kids on the Block concert in New Orleans and best yet we've got 5 star passes. We get to meet the guys in a special event before the concert.
Well work calls...
At least life away from here is good. My DBF is hopefully alright, haven't gotten to talk to him for a few days. My boys (nephews) are doing great in school. The oldest is now a sophomore in high school and is looking forward to his future. He wants to be a video game designer and is well on his way to achieving that goal. He takes a class in school that in his senior year will allow him to do an internship that, after graduating college, will mean that he can go strait to work :). The other two are doing great also all A's and having a great year.
But the best thing in the world, for now, will happen on Oct. 18. Me and my SIL will be attending the New Kids on the Block concert in New Orleans and best yet we've got 5 star passes. We get to meet the guys in a special event before the concert.
Well work calls...
Monday, April 7, 2008
From Bad to Better...
Well this past week was lots of fun. I had to postpone the lawyers trip from Wednesday to Friday. I couldn't find two of my pay stubs from last year and being a payroll week the payroll clerk at work decided to mail the dang things with our paychecks. But everything started looking much better for me on Friday. The lawyer is a very nice lady who is very helpful. I sat with her for about 30 minutes going over my financial stuff and found that I can file Chapter 7 (which means my debt goes away, except for the car note and one of my credit cards that I can still afford to pay, if they accept my reaffirmation). I go back on Wednesday to meet with her and file all the necessary paperwork and pay the $1500 fee (thankfully my mom's giving me that). The downside is that I can have no money in any banks at the time of the filing or they will take it. Not a really big problem, my bank was starting to frustrate me anyways. The one bank that I'm allowed to leave money in is the Credit Union that holds the lien on my car. You have to have a savings account with them and there have to be funds in the account.
Last week I also finished up my Needle Guardian Needle Book.
And here's Norbert (yes I was watching Harry Potter while stitching him)...

The inside pages are Blue and Pink Camo felt.
The Blue page...

The Pink page...

I also backed the stitching with a piece of tan ornate felt.

I'm very pleased with the way it came out and it was well worth the effort.
Well gotta sign off for now...
Last week I also finished up my Needle Guardian Needle Book.
And here's Norbert (yes I was watching Harry Potter while stitching him)...
The inside pages are Blue and Pink Camo felt.
The Blue page...
The Pink page...
I also backed the stitching with a piece of tan ornate felt.
I'm very pleased with the way it came out and it was well worth the effort.
Well gotta sign off for now...
Friday, March 28, 2008
Life rolls on...
This week has been so much fun (insert sarcasm here).
First one of my co-workers, a very sweet lady, brings me a gift as a thank you for my work the past month. My assistant makes snide little comments about how much she helped and upset everyone in the room (and a few people that were told about it later). This hurt the other persons feelings and made me want to fire her on the spot (and I would have if I could have). So I made an excuse to leave the office for a little while to cool off. When I got back she (the assistant) was still in a foul mood, but she knew better than to say anything to me.
Next I battling my depression again. Being in a LDR is starting to wear on me and I told the DBF yesterday that I'm having trouble. I just want to be with him. He retires in July, but may not be able to leave until they get his medical stuff worked out. I want to fly out to CA, but moneys just to tight right now. This also contributes to my depression. I'm dealing with that the best way I can.
I have an appointment next Wed. to speak with an attorney about filing bankruptcy. God I didn't think I would get this low. But if I can work out the money problems, I know everything else will fall into place :).
On the upside, I've almost finished my Needle Guardian Needle Book. All I have left is to attach the pages and fringe the front edges. I'll post a picture later. I should have it finished this weekend.
Thank God its Friday, now I have the whole weekend to find six months worth of paycheck stubs.
Well I better get back to pretending to work.
First one of my co-workers, a very sweet lady, brings me a gift as a thank you for my work the past month. My assistant makes snide little comments about how much she helped and upset everyone in the room (and a few people that were told about it later). This hurt the other persons feelings and made me want to fire her on the spot (and I would have if I could have). So I made an excuse to leave the office for a little while to cool off. When I got back she (the assistant) was still in a foul mood, but she knew better than to say anything to me.
Next I battling my depression again. Being in a LDR is starting to wear on me and I told the DBF yesterday that I'm having trouble. I just want to be with him. He retires in July, but may not be able to leave until they get his medical stuff worked out. I want to fly out to CA, but moneys just to tight right now. This also contributes to my depression. I'm dealing with that the best way I can.
I have an appointment next Wed. to speak with an attorney about filing bankruptcy. God I didn't think I would get this low. But if I can work out the money problems, I know everything else will fall into place :).
On the upside, I've almost finished my Needle Guardian Needle Book. All I have left is to attach the pages and fringe the front edges. I'll post a picture later. I should have it finished this weekend.
Thank God its Friday, now I have the whole weekend to find six months worth of paycheck stubs.
Well I better get back to pretending to work.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Time to reflect...
Today, I'm sitting at work bored (very slow day) and I've had time to reflect on the last year. In March I met the most wonderful man and he fell for me :). By April I was totally in love with him (but I didn't tell him till later). We got promise rings and he gave me a beautiful heart shaped necklace. March also saw my ferret Zac getting sick and having to have surgery. His adrenal gland was abnormal and it caused almost all of his hair to fall out. He seemed to be recovering and was doing well. On July 5th I noticed that he was having trouble peeing and called the vet. I took my baby to the vet that morning and my worst fear came true, Zac had developed kidney stones and would have to have a catheder to relieve the stones. The vet also told me that this would be a recurring problem and I asked if putting him to sleep would be more humane. The vet told me that he would support whatever decision that I made. After a lot of crying and holding my baby I gave him to the vet and asked him to let him go. I knew it was the best decision, but it still hurt (and hurts to this day). The vet told me that Zac when peacefully and I took him home to bury him next to Zoe (my albino girl). I called my poor BF and left him a message that was mostly crying. He freaked out and called my work to see if I was ok and I told him what happened with Zac. He was relieved that I was ok, but tried to calm me cause he knew how much I loved my baby. (Zac is still with me, his picture sits on my desk here at work).
Back to happy things...
I celebrated my 30th birthday on November 3rd and got to see my DBF on the 4th :). He didn't get to give me my present until January though. 30 is an interesting age. I don't feel 30 and lots of people say I don't look 30. By the time my mom was my age, she was married and she had 2 kids (mom was 20 when my brother was born and 22 when I was born). I haven't gotten married yet and have no children. Oh well.
My DBF turned 38 on December 12 (yeah he's 8 years older than me). I didn't get to see him for his bday or Christmas, but did see him at the middle of January and then again the beginning of February.
I went to Target yesterday and they had the new My Little Pony Easter eggs (6 big eggs each with a ponyville pony in it). I purchased two sets, one for me and one for a girl at work for her little girl. The ponies are now sitting around my desk as I type :). If you didn't know I collect My Little Ponies and have since 1982. My first was Cotton Candy. I stopped collecting a few years ago when I was with my ex. He didn't like them and thought it was a waste of money (yeah, but he could spent tons of money on the next electronic gadget). Never mind him, my new man doesn't have a problem with MLP's and that's all that matters.
Better go the boss is coming :)
Back to happy things...
I celebrated my 30th birthday on November 3rd and got to see my DBF on the 4th :). He didn't get to give me my present until January though. 30 is an interesting age. I don't feel 30 and lots of people say I don't look 30. By the time my mom was my age, she was married and she had 2 kids (mom was 20 when my brother was born and 22 when I was born). I haven't gotten married yet and have no children. Oh well.
My DBF turned 38 on December 12 (yeah he's 8 years older than me). I didn't get to see him for his bday or Christmas, but did see him at the middle of January and then again the beginning of February.
I went to Target yesterday and they had the new My Little Pony Easter eggs (6 big eggs each with a ponyville pony in it). I purchased two sets, one for me and one for a girl at work for her little girl. The ponies are now sitting around my desk as I type :). If you didn't know I collect My Little Ponies and have since 1982. My first was Cotton Candy. I stopped collecting a few years ago when I was with my ex. He didn't like them and thought it was a waste of money (yeah, but he could spent tons of money on the next electronic gadget). Never mind him, my new man doesn't have a problem with MLP's and that's all that matters.
Better go the boss is coming :)
Friday, February 15, 2008
The proud aunt...
Today I want to talk about my three wonderful nephews. All three are good students and the oldest (he's 15) is an athlete.
Well the reason for this entry is the oldest started running track and I had the pleasure of attending a meet Wednesday night. He runs the 1600 meter and most of the others running were juniors and seniors (with the exception of one little boy that we all thought was about 8.) Chris is a freshman and is almost 6' tall. He did very well placing 5th or 6th (I can't remember now which). But what made me so very proud of him was after the race was over for him he waited until the last runner finished (the same little boy) and gave that boy a high five. This child had gotten lapped by almost all of the other runners and the guy that finished first lapped him twice. This little boy didn't give up and everyone in the stands was even cheering him on. But to see my baby (God don't let him see this :)) being so mature really made my day.
Now for the middle one (who's 11). He's my angel. Jay was born with a heart defect and when he's old enough he'll have to have open heart surgery. This scares the life out of me. A few years ago he was diagnosed with an Arachnoid cyst on his brain (yes his brain). This causes him to have terrible headaches every day. He has to take several pills every day just to be ok. He's a little trooper, doing everything the doctors tell him.
And then there's my baby, the youngest. Nick is 9 and other than being born premature (all three were premiees) he really hasn't had any health problems. My biggest reason for being proud of him is just because he's so sweet. If you don't feel good he'll sit with you. He also does very good in school. He has had a ruff beginning to 2008. We found out a few week's ago that the poor child has had mono. I kept having to go check him out of school and they finally took him to the Dr. and they were told that he's probably been sick since the New Year. I, of course, picked on him about the little girls he's been kissing on (he hasn't mind you, just sharing soads).
Well the boss is coming so I better get back to work...
Well the reason for this entry is the oldest started running track and I had the pleasure of attending a meet Wednesday night. He runs the 1600 meter and most of the others running were juniors and seniors (with the exception of one little boy that we all thought was about 8.) Chris is a freshman and is almost 6' tall. He did very well placing 5th or 6th (I can't remember now which). But what made me so very proud of him was after the race was over for him he waited until the last runner finished (the same little boy) and gave that boy a high five. This child had gotten lapped by almost all of the other runners and the guy that finished first lapped him twice. This little boy didn't give up and everyone in the stands was even cheering him on. But to see my baby (God don't let him see this :)) being so mature really made my day.
Now for the middle one (who's 11). He's my angel. Jay was born with a heart defect and when he's old enough he'll have to have open heart surgery. This scares the life out of me. A few years ago he was diagnosed with an Arachnoid cyst on his brain (yes his brain). This causes him to have terrible headaches every day. He has to take several pills every day just to be ok. He's a little trooper, doing everything the doctors tell him.
And then there's my baby, the youngest. Nick is 9 and other than being born premature (all three were premiees) he really hasn't had any health problems. My biggest reason for being proud of him is just because he's so sweet. If you don't feel good he'll sit with you. He also does very good in school. He has had a ruff beginning to 2008. We found out a few week's ago that the poor child has had mono. I kept having to go check him out of school and they finally took him to the Dr. and they were told that he's probably been sick since the New Year. I, of course, picked on him about the little girls he's been kissing on (he hasn't mind you, just sharing soads).
Well the boss is coming so I better get back to work...
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Back in the swing...
Well I haven't been blogging lately, mostly cause work's been a pain. I'm now managing our editorial staff (for 50 cents more per hour). And I swear I sometimes think they don't know how to listen to plain English. I tell them when the deadlines are and they decide to be 2 hours late.
I also now have an assistant (happy happy joy joy) who refuses to come to work on time and the general manager will not allow me to write her up. She also has a problem listening and doing her job. Her responsibilities include ad design and anything else that I tell her to do. Some of our advertising comes as Obituaries, I don't like doing them (it's rather depressing), but I still do them. Well one day I was busy with other projects and I told her to take the ads out of the basket and do them before she left for the day. I was leaving early cause I had worked till 10 pm the night before and was tired. I got to work the next day to find the Obit still in the basket, when I asked her about her response was "I didn't feel like doing it and those are boring." I informed her that boring or not that if I told her to do it, she should do it. God why do people act this way. Moving on to another act of ignorance. Our boss comes into the office a few week's ago and gets everyone in my office to announce that we were $10000 over budget for advertising revenue for January (mine you Jan is the worst month for newspapers). Everyone is excited and happy, except her. She comments well what does this mean for me. Thankfully the boss didn't hear this. After everyone else had left (with the exception of 2 editors) she said it again. I lost it. I looked at her and told her that her bonus was that she was gainfully employed and could keep her job. And that the extra revenue meant that we could possible get new equipment (her Mac's been acting up). She's still in her 90 day period so I'm hoping they'll let her go and get me someone with a brain.
On to happier things...
I've now been with my DBF for 11 months (yay). He's sweet as ever. For my 30th bday he gave me a 1/2 ct. 3 stone diamond anniversary ring. He just thought I deserved something pretty :). I got to see him at the first of the month (twice :)). I was supposed to see him this weekend, but he's been sick and found out last week that his diabetes now requires insulin. So the Navy grounded him until they can make sure he'll be ok to drive :(. But I'd rather him be safe than on the road and have a problem. His last day in the Navy is July 31st and after that we don't know what's going to happen. He's had job offers in Washington state, New Mexico and one to go to Kuwait for a year as an independent contractor. The money is really good and I'd be able to fly out every other month to see him :).
I haven't had time to work on my Dragon Ride lately, hoping to get back to it when things quite down a bit. I have been doing a lot of knitting.
Well I better get back to work...
I also now have an assistant (happy happy joy joy) who refuses to come to work on time and the general manager will not allow me to write her up. She also has a problem listening and doing her job. Her responsibilities include ad design and anything else that I tell her to do. Some of our advertising comes as Obituaries, I don't like doing them (it's rather depressing), but I still do them. Well one day I was busy with other projects and I told her to take the ads out of the basket and do them before she left for the day. I was leaving early cause I had worked till 10 pm the night before and was tired. I got to work the next day to find the Obit still in the basket, when I asked her about her response was "I didn't feel like doing it and those are boring." I informed her that boring or not that if I told her to do it, she should do it. God why do people act this way. Moving on to another act of ignorance. Our boss comes into the office a few week's ago and gets everyone in my office to announce that we were $10000 over budget for advertising revenue for January (mine you Jan is the worst month for newspapers). Everyone is excited and happy, except her. She comments well what does this mean for me. Thankfully the boss didn't hear this. After everyone else had left (with the exception of 2 editors) she said it again. I lost it. I looked at her and told her that her bonus was that she was gainfully employed and could keep her job. And that the extra revenue meant that we could possible get new equipment (her Mac's been acting up). She's still in her 90 day period so I'm hoping they'll let her go and get me someone with a brain.
On to happier things...
I've now been with my DBF for 11 months (yay). He's sweet as ever. For my 30th bday he gave me a 1/2 ct. 3 stone diamond anniversary ring. He just thought I deserved something pretty :). I got to see him at the first of the month (twice :)). I was supposed to see him this weekend, but he's been sick and found out last week that his diabetes now requires insulin. So the Navy grounded him until they can make sure he'll be ok to drive :(. But I'd rather him be safe than on the road and have a problem. His last day in the Navy is July 31st and after that we don't know what's going to happen. He's had job offers in Washington state, New Mexico and one to go to Kuwait for a year as an independent contractor. The money is really good and I'd be able to fly out every other month to see him :).
I haven't had time to work on my Dragon Ride lately, hoping to get back to it when things quite down a bit. I have been doing a lot of knitting.
Well I better get back to work...
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